Sunday, December 26, 2010


A friend updated their facebook status with a single word, "bacon," following it up with, "I almost worked myself into a frenzy this morning....lying in bed and thinking of bacon and eggs, with some hot sauce...big cold glass of orange juice, and a slice of potato bread toast. MAN."

I wanted to add the following comment: "I was lying in bed thinking of the videotape of pigs in gestation crates banging their heads against the bars so hard they bleed just before they go insane from the boredom that humans, whose appetites for bacon versus the humane treatment of innocent creatures, foist on them. Pigs are intelligent, social creatures that humans have no business torturing so that they can eat their flesh." I didn't. I just put a single word: sad.

It's also sad that I don't push harder. That I don't stick my neck out there willing to take whatever abuse people want to heap on me for making the humane choice. Instead, I will send her the link to my blog, rather than face public scrutiny. I need to grow a pair!

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